Images repositories & stock – Our advice and our selection

Taking photos like a professional is a real job. Unfortunately, website designers don’t necessarily have the financial resources to do this. An image bank is the perfect solution, as it allows you to retrieve high-quality, royalty-free photos and videos in a completely legal environment.

Legality with an image database

Image banks are so successful because (fraudulent) use of an image that is not free of copyright can be very expensive. Photographers no longer hesitate to hire lawyers to obtain compensation for the illegal use of content. After all, it’s perfectly legitimate to pay a photographer for the work they’ve done and the time they’ve spent producing it.

It is therefore important to ensure that all images, photos and videos used on a website (or other media) have been approved by the content owner so that they can be replicated. If an image is used without permission, the fine can rise to several thousand euros – which should deter you. So make sure you protect yourself properly, because the bill can be very high. There’s a solution in our comparison of the best image banks that makes it as easy as possible to minimise this risk, at a very reasonable cost.

Our images databases links

Now, there are several large and best image banks available on the internet. Pixabay, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock (formerly Fotolia), istockphoto, Getty Images, Dreamstime, and 123RF are all world-renowned players in this category. They share a large part of the market, ahead of less well-known and smaller players.

Ridplace users have compiled this image bank comparison to help you find the one that best suits your needs.

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